First Impressions Count

A Web Site is often your Initial Contact.

First Impressions Count   
Let’s face it – we live in a world where people Google before they shop, visit online review sites like Yelp before they buy and “check-in” via Facebook as they go about their days. Because of this, you want your first impression to be the best it can be. Beginning with your website, consumers are passing judgement and making decisions about whether or not they will even visit your store, restaurant or office. They’re likely to dismiss you entirely, as well, should they believe your website doesn’t reflect the kind of experience your business,  or a business like yours – should offer.

TIP:    Keep your Home page Organized and Fresh. Feature your Best selling Services and keep the Colors Warm and Inviting. All of your supporting advertising such as Business cards, Vehicle lettering, Invoices, Yellow Pages, etc., should Drive your customers to your Website for More Information’..

Web Design

Do you Have a Newsletter.. ?

If your Organization publishes a Newsletter then you should  post it on your Website.  Members can come to the Website at their convenience to view a Calendar of Events, read the Newsletter, and obtain Information on the organization that may be difficult to achieve by other means.  The fact that this is available 24 hours a day can not be overstated with today’s busy lifestyles. Consider it a service to your membership.

Registry Clean up = Faster Machine

Windows keeps track of ‘everything’ you Download, Save, Modify, or Install in a hidden place called the Registry. To Clean up and Reorganize this file you need a tool called a Registry Cleaner.  A good FREE one is the ‘Wise Registry Cleaner’ which can be downloaded at:

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